Star Wars Darth Vader

Monday, November 28, 2016

Boe-Bot - 11/28/16

Today is not an official class day but after a very long break we happened to put ourselves behind schedule which worried Carlos and I. Joel, However, was not able to make it to the meeting. The main objective of the day was getting the Boe-bot to make any movement at all. So we plugged it into the computer and downloaded a code script that Carlos typed up onto the Boe-bot. This is a picture of us downloading the code.

Fortunately we were able to get the boe-bot to move, unfortunately this is what it did...

With some minor adjustments to the code we were able to make it go into circles. The original problem was the amount of power Carlos gave to the servos in the PULSOUT.

This is the most progress that Carlos and I got on the coding of our Boe-Bot today. But before we left I wanted to finish wiring the QTI sensors. When I finished that we packed up and ended the day.

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