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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Notes From Chapter 3, Thinking Like an Engineer

Design and Teamwork

Design, to me, is a process that involves having an idea, and overcoming obstacles to make something work. It requires finding solutions to problems until you find the best solution to make it work.

The ABET design approach is made up of two iterative processes. One of these processes includes getting input from stakeholders, determining educational objectives, and also evaluating and assessing the completion of objectives. The process is repetitive because it is very important to make sure the constituencies are happy with the results, to adapt to changes, and to reach the continuous level of improvement needed. After this process the second process begins. This process is knowing the objectives at hand and determining the outcomes that will accomplish the objectives, and how they will be accomplished.

Stakeholders are the ones that invest into finding a solution to a problem. They are the ones that task the engineer and give them feed back on their satisfaction with their solutions. They invest their money into projects and research to find a solution to often profit from said solution.

Defining the problem is very important to the process. The problem could be a calculation that is needed, a topic, position, or subject. Normally the problem is chosen and given in the workspace. If the problem is defined by the employer that means there are still decisions to be made and questions to be asked. Problems and needs are best identified and defined with the help of stakeholders.

When the problem definition is clear, you can begin generating the Criteria. The criteria will provide basic direction when considering all of the possible solutions. Criteria range from must criteria that any successful solution had to have to should criteria, which are qualities that are usually desirable and help distinguish one solution over another. Valid criteria must be clearly understood and measurable. It must be clear on what is better. the final type of criteria is preferences or options. Used normally to distinguish designs.

Brainstorming refers to one process by which ideas are created or generated. Idea generations follows three rules. (1) Encourage a lot of ideas. (2) encourage a wide variety of ideas. (3) do not criticize. The third rule is most important for the other two to work. "The best way to get a good idea is to get lots of ideas".

When Making Decisions It is important to evaluate and apply all solutions to the criteria. Voting it a good day to eliminate a large portion o the of choices. Get rid of any solutions that are undesirable to the criteria. You can also use pairwise comparisons, which is using a table for each criterion to summarize how the solutions compare to one another.

It is important to build a Prototype which is a small scale sample of the actual product. The reason it is important is because you want to know if the product works as it should and you can find out much of that information using a prototype. Even if the design works exactly as it is supposed to it is still important to test it extensively to confirm reliability.

A Group is a number of people who comes together at the same place and the same time. However, a Team is individuals cooperating to accomplish a common goal. In a team it is important to establish means of purpose and progress. Team behaviors include Ground rules, Decision making, Communication, Roles, Participation, Values, and Outcomes. Peer evaluations is a good method to be able to communicate with your fellow team and your professor. It is important to focus on your teammates behavior than how you personally feel about them. The CATME measures five different types of contribution to a team using behavior analysis. They are listed as Contributing to the Teams Work, Interacting with Teammates, Keeping the Team on Track, Expecting Quality, and Having Relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities.

Careful planning is required to complete a project on time and successfully. That is why is it very important to complete a Project Timeline to assure that you complete the project successfully. Considering the project due date is the first thing that you need to do when creating a project timeline to assure you know what to do and when to do it so it does not conflict with other tasks that you need to complete may it be for another class or something outside of school or work. It is also important to have team meetings to plan and review project status. Make a responsibility matrix to plan when someone in the group needs to complete a certain task by a certain time. It is also very important to keep the team dynamics in mind. The team dynamics include Communication, Trust and Respect, Nothing is carved in stone, and never forget to have fun!

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